Introduction to Plein Air Drawing

Drawing & Painting

Introduction to Plein Air Drawing

Learn how to make the most of taking your sketchbook on the road, capturing your subject with natural light and color.


$113.00 (any noted materials fee included)


$135.00 (any noted materials fee included)

Tuition Assistance and Other Policies

Meeting Times
  1. Thur, 3/13/2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  2. Thur, 3/20/2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  3. Thur, 3/27/2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Thur, 3/13/2025 - Thur, 3/27/2025

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Class, No Prerequisite

Small Classroom



Make art wherever you go with plein air drawing. The term is taken from the French phrase “en plain air,” which means “in open air.” Whether you’re setting up an easel on the beach or pulling out a sketchbook on a park bench, this introduction begins with classroom work on sketchbook drawing. The remaining two sessions will move outside.


  • Outside locations will be dependent upon weather, and will be announced during class.
  • You’re encouraged to use pencils, pens, or watercolors.
  • Drawing experience is suggested, but not essential.


  • A $25 materials fee, included in the price of the class, includes:
    • A large, rigid bound sketchbook.
    • A Blackwing sketching pencil.
    • An eraser.
    • A smudging stick.
  • You should bring whatever supplies you want to use beyond what will be provided.

Class Policies

Ages 14 and up are welcome.

BARN Policies

Instructors or Guides

Michael Gunderson

Michael comes to BARN with 50 years' experience teaching art. He started teaching painting and drawing in Southern California in the early '70s and his last public school position was as lead teacher and administrator in charge of creating a small public high school in central California. After teaching multiple elective subjects, he always had his love of drawing and painting as his security blanket. Adventures lead him to Canada and San Diego where he was active in drawing groups and watercolor societies. His move to Bainbridge introduced him to BARN where he served in a leadership role in the Woodworking Studio.
Two years ago, the sketchbook called and he formed regular drop-in drawing sessions in BARN's Commons. This interest has, in turn, lead to his participation in the new Drawing & Painting Studio. His main interest remains with the refinement of his drawing skills, and the drawing skills of others.

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