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Glass Cutting

Glass Arts

Glass Cutting

Learn the techniques and tools to the fascinating art of glass cutting, along with a few simple tricks.


Tuition Assistance and Other Policies

Meeting Times
  1. Wed, 7/10/2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Wed, 7/10/2024


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Class, No Prerequisite

Glass Arts Studio

Fused Glass, Stained Glass


The art of glass cutting is fascinating, exciting, and empowering when you're successful. When you're not, it can stop you in your tracks and be very expensive. You can master this art with a few simple tricks, and some patience. This class is highly recommended for those new to the Glass Arts Studio, particularly for stained glass or fusing.

Your instructor, co-owner of a respected glass studio, will focus on basic techniques, circle cutting, curves, strip cutting, and more while allowing plenty of time for practice and personal attention. After demonstrations, conversation, and practice, you will have a better understanding of techniques and tools that make cutting glass a breeze.


A $10 materials fee, included in the cost of the class, covers all the material you'll need.

Class Policies

  • Ages 14 and up are welcome.
  • Wear close-toed shoes and long pants in the Glass Studio at all times.

BARN Policies

Instructors or Guides

Gregg Mesmer

Gregg, honored as an Island Treasure in 2015, owns Mesolini Glass Studio with his wife, Diane Bonciolini. They moved to Bainbridge Island in 1977, started their iconic glass studio, and have been working in the art glass industry professionally for decades. Their expertise goes beyond glass cutting to include other types of fabrication, all aspects of creating stained glass art, copper foil, glass fusing, public art, and teaching. They have worked on many community Art in Public Places projects such as the Bainbridge Beach Glass Quilt, the Waypoint beach glass project, Rotary Centennial Park, and more. Many of their projects include school-age students on Bainbridge and beyond. Gregg has taught for Northwest Art Glass, the Bainbridge Park & Recreation District, and Olympic College.

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