Make a Hand-Sewn Hardcover Book

Print & Book Arts

Make a Hand-Sewn Hardcover Book

Learn the fundamentals of handmade book design and construction while making your own hardcover book with a sewn binding.


Tuition Assistance and Other Policies

Meeting Times
  1. Tue, 9/19/2023 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  2. Thur, 9/21/2023 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tue, 9/19/2023 - Thur, 9/21/2023

See additional date options »

No Prerequisite, Class

Print & Book Arts Studio

Book Arts


Make a 64-page hardcover book from scratch with decorative paper covers, hand-torn pages, and a hand-stitched binding. You'll learn the fundamentals of book design, construction, and binding, while producing your own archival-quality blank book, suitable as a writing journal or sketchbook, etc. After this class, you'll possess the skills, experience, and confidence to replicate the book or branch out into your own designs.


Registration closes Sept. 14 .


A $25 materials fee, included in the price of the class, covers all supplies needed to create one book.

Class Policies

Ages 14 and up are welcome.

BARN Policies

Instructors or Guides

Christopher Gronbeck

Christopher is founder and former owner of The Barrel Thief Wine & Whiskey Bar in Seattle. He has a long history as an educator in the science and environment fields, and has taught wine and spirits and cocktails classes for more than 15 years. He serves as a judge at numerous wine and spirits competitions. Christopher loves everything about BARN and is active in the Kitchen Arts Studio as well as in Woodworking and Print & Book Arts.

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